Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Building Delabarre Tap & Die by South River Modelworks Pt.4

I finished Dalabarre & Tap 2+ months ago and then I jumped on a plane and went to Europe. Right before all hell broke loose. I managed to get back few days before the restrictions started. Others may call it luck, but I see it as good planning. I've been working from home ever since.
Here are the final photos of Delabarre & Tap.


  1. One I never built but I remember seeing it in Springfield the year it came out.

    I built Millett Creamery, Martin Machine and Rugg Mfg.

    1. When I received my copy of the kit I found in the box some pictures of the pilot model taken at a show. Might have been Springfield.

  2. Forgot to say - you did magnificent job on this.
