Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Building Duffy's Coal by FSM Pt. 4

Every day on the way to work and back I pass a tire place that consists of two buildings with number of add-ons. One of the add-ons has flat front with three doors. I was driving past the other day and they were all open. I could see that it was used for the storage. I was curious why would someone put three doors and not one door with couple of windows and why the structure is raised up with a deck in front of it and lattice all around at the bottom. Then I was looking at it in Google maps and saw that something was separating roof into three equal parts. It all started making sense. It isn't one building but three trailers with built up front and the lattice covers the underside. All this makes the place even more interesting. I may make a model of it some day.
Meanwhile I am continuing working on the Duffy's. I am building a lumber shed and at the same time I am adding to the main building the sub-assemblies that I have prebuilt.

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