Monday, December 9, 2013

Project Update: K.W.Murphy Engineering Works aka Flour Mill by Laser Art

I was about to write how unproductive this year was and how I was glad to finish yet another project. Yes, I am glad to finish yet another project. However, after counting projects I have completed this year it doesn't seem very unproductive. I am just one project short of last year's total. If I finish McDuff's and Texaco Gas Station I will surpass it. I've mentioned before that I like process of building a model more than final product but once in awhile I need to finish something. That is good motivationally and provides some monetary reward since I put up for sale everything I build.
Just few days ago I also finished another project which was called cleaning my modeling room. I bought garage style shelving unit so I could use it to store my kits and materials instead of having them laying around on the floor all over the place. It has taken me about 4 days but now I can walk in without being afraid of stepping on  something. Since I have more room now I may try doing video series on kit building. However, I don't want it to take too much time away from modeling so I am still thinking about it. This and have I ever mentioned my accent?

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