
Saturday, May 28, 2022

Yard Office #3 by FOS

The Yard Office #3 was the kit that I didn't consider building. I built the Railroad Kits/Ed Fulasz version of the office a few years back. The addition of the laser cut part just didn't provide enough draw. But then I received a request for one. Well, the interest was for the original version of the office, but at the time only the combo from FOS was available. I needed to separate the brick part from the wooden add-on and build as close to Ed's as possible and then do something with what was left. I changed the roof  line of the wood building a bit, trimmed the height of the walls, dropped the dock, added the missing wall, and set it on a concrete platform. Had I not made the building lower it would have looked oddly high, the entrance door would have been high up in the air for no apparent reason. The freight door would have been up as well, but that could have been somewhat acceptable. Once I lowered the building it looked smaller than its removed Siamese twin. I had to raise it up. Here came the concrete platform to rescue. Both doors had the reason to be high up now. It would have been fine to stop at this point, but I went one step further by adding a hill behind the building to blend in the building into the scenery. Going back to the brick building, I designed and scratch built the entry into it because the original version had one and also because otherwise it would not have had an entrance at all.
I hope this short explanation of why I did what I did will help the readers of this blog with their kitbashing decisions. I have seen quite a few scratch builds and kitbashes that would not be plausible in real life or would be complete engineering failures.



  1. What material are you using for the roofing here?

    1. Either the paper that came with the kit or painters masking paper.
