
Friday, April 17, 2015

Building Majestic Theater by Laser Art Pt.1

Yet another Laser Art kit. I knew it was coming some day. I agreed to do it awhile ago. The kit itself isn't very interesting but I am adding Miller Engineering signs so that may bump up interest level a little.
When I agreed to do it I didn't know how challenging it may be. The signs are on larger side a little, there are laser cut holes in the front wall for marquee and theater sign that come with the kit, the marquee from the kit can't be used because it has 90 degree angles and ME sign can't bend like that.
As the first step I plugged up two theater sign holes with stripwood before painting. I cut and sanded it flush with clapboards. Then I proceeded to making new marquee. My first attempt was a belly flop. I made it out of matboard. The problem with this material is that it likes to separate into layers when it is shaped to wrap around an arch. I soaked the edges with CA but I still wasn't confident that the sign wouldn't peel off with a layer of matboard later on. The other issue was that I made it wrong size and didn't account for ticket booth. Therefore, I scrapped it. I don't have much love for styrene but I couldn't think of any other material that would do the job. After built new marquee out of styrene I cut slots in the front wall for sign connectors. The rest is pretty standard i.e. priming, painting, weathering...

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