
Friday, November 7, 2014

Building the Small Station by Motrak Models Pt.2

What a week it has been! FOS Scale Models and Bar Mills Models revealed their limited edition kits for 2014. FOS have been consistent for the past few years so placed my bet on them and I don't have any regrets. It seems I missed out on Bar Mills offering though. Original run sold out in 47 hours. Yet I can pretend I saw their ad in Model Railroader and still order the kit... I wish the manufacturers would
spread out their releases, so I don't have to make choices, but they are gearing up for Christmas and it is understandable. Anyway, even if I don't get full Cundy's kit, individual buildings are still available.
Tonight I will place the box, that used to contain the Small Station, in recycling bin. It has become a ritual of some sort. I complete a model and place its box in recycling bin. Weird, but that brings me more joy than applying finishing touches or taking final pictures. I believe it is so, because I am over-stacked with the kits, and removing one box is like proof, that I am not a hoarder, that I can actually build those kits. Deep inside I feel though, that I am a hoarder and I will never build all the kits I own. Who cares! Lets get more kits!


  1. Let's get more kits indeed!

    Fos and Bar Mills did a great job this year with their limited run kits. Add to that the kits from Fine Scale Miniatures and South River Modelworks.

    Choices are a good thing.

