
Monday, July 11, 2022

Hooper's Fresh Oysters by FOS

There have been a number of the Hooper Oysters build progress updates back in 2012. Then I put it on the shelf and let it sit for almost a decade. I am saying almost because I completed diorama a few months short of 10 years. I am just typing it up in July of 2022.
The main reason for such long procrastination is that I was scared of doing water. There was so much talk of water bubbling, peeling of and so on on the Scott Mason podcast. The painting of it was another factor. I watched Dave Frary paint water on a DVD many times. It didn't seem too difficult, but then I talked to someone who even after seeing the same video found it hard to do. I saw his result and let's say I left me unconvinced it was water.
I made some effort over the years though. I bought some of the figures, painted the others, bought the rock molds, made the diorama base which I ended up modifying later. The original would have had the building parallel to the diorama edges. Then someone showed the interest in the diorama and the rest is a history.
I am not sure how many people read these posts. I guess not many. Most people probably just check the pictures. Anyway, if there is anything on my started kit list that interests you contact me using the contact form. Majority of the projects can be completed fairly quickly and the cost is way below of what you would pay if you hired someone to do the job. All I want is to see these projects done and gone. 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Building Red Hook Office by FOS Scale Models Pt.2

After six years on the backburner yet another shelf orphan is done. The majority of changes had been done at the time of posting of the last update. Back then the structure had two large white squares showing. You might wonder as what they were for. Here is the explanation. I wanted it to have additional large windows, but I couldn't cut them myself. Therefore, I made it to appear like there were more windows by adding those squares i.e. window frames, and then the shutters over them. I hope that conveys the message.
The last change since the last post was the roof top sign. The original design didn't have it since it was supposed to be an office. I felt that the restaurant I was converting it to needed one. The name of the establishment has a story behind which I am not going to tell here. It was relevant when I started working on the kit. Over the years the name has lost its relevance, but I kept the sign the way I designed it.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Building Moscone Bonds by FOS Pt.3

I am typing this well after I finished the kit. At the time I completed diorama it had been under construction a few months short of four years. In my last build update I said I had windows upside down. Usually this kind of mistake discourages me and the project gets shelved, but I don't think that was the case with Moscone Bonds. I always remember it having the roof on. For a long time all it needed was the final weathering and getting the scenery done, but I just couldn't make myself to do it.
I thought I used Tichy street signs on some other project before Moscone, but I couldn't find any evidence of that. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough. Anyway, initially I was very skeptical about them. Let's face it, the stop sign is molded in red plastic including the pole it is on and obviously has plastic look to it. However, with some treatment it can be turned into a decent looking street sign. By treatment I mean spraying the sign with Dulcote, painting the pole and the back of the sign, and some weathering. I definitely see myself using more of them going forward.