
Friday, January 24, 2020

Building Delabarre Tap & Die by South River Modelworks Pt.3

I am doing second update in the same month after I said I was going to do fewer of them. It must be something happening. Moons, stars, alignments ... you name it .
Over the past week or so I built up the landform out of insulation foam. Although I didn't have much room but I still managed to squeeze in a rock face. I have been wanting to use Sterling Models rock molds for quite some time, but never had an opportunity. Finally, it presented itself. The rock face it isn't fully done yet. It will receive a coat or two of a wash. Unfortunately, the liquid pigments I used while back for staining the rock base for a lighthouse I built have dried up. I'll see if I can recover them. If not, I will have to come up with a different kid of wash.
On another note, I like the snowy look of the diorama. I must build a winter scene some time. Should be fun. If anyone is curious, the white stuff is Sculptamold.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Building Delabarre Tap & Die by South River Modelworks Pt.2

At least two people pointed out that I stopped updating my blog. I don't have an excuse. Maybe it is a point in life when I abandon one activity and move to another? Just like I stopped making scale paper models and started doing structure kits? Or is it pending change of a platform? For a long time I disregarded Facebook as a platform for sharing my work, but it turns out I can easily create a post on my phone, snap few pictures, and publish it. Blogger app allows me to do the same thing, but I see my blog as higher quality then my Facebook page. I tend to write something, edit pictures for my blog while my Facebook posts are one or two sentences and few photos without prior setup or editing. Am I just another victim of instant gratification, high pace lifestyle? I don't want to abandon  this blog. After all I've been blogging for almost 9 years. However, in the future I might be only posting pictures of completed models.
I expected the Dalabarre to go together much faster since majority of it is plaster. Here I am few months after I started it and still not done. I have slowed down considerably. Instead of working on the models until 4 am on the weekend nights I quit at 12am or even 11pm. Nonetheless, I still moving forward and that is perhaps the best news today.