
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Dyer's Hardware by Microscale Models Pt.5

2016 is ending and this is my last post for the year. I will keep modeling through the holidays whenever time permits but I don't expect to be updating my blog.
As the final post for the 2016 I have the pictures of the finished Dyer's kit. I didn't mess up much and I am pretty happy how it has turned out. I think I am getting a little better at kit building.
Support the hobby. Buy yourself a bunch of kits for Christmas. See you in 2017.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dyer's Hardware by Microscale Models Pt.4

I took a short break from modeling and everything else past weekend and visited NYC. The trip wasn't about sightseeing but about soaking in the atmosphere, feeling the city spirit.
And here is the latest update on the kit.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Dyer's Hardware by Microscale Models Pt.3

For anyone looking for a different kind of laser cut structures I suggest checking Petite Properties. They make British buildings in several scales. They don't have HO but OO scale is close enough.
As for Dyer's, it is starting to look like a structure.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dyer's Hardware by Microscale Models Pt.2

The majority of Microscale kits I have built so far had a large number of windows. The Dyer's hardware isn't an exception. Quite some "glass" work is awaiting for me...

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Dyer's Hardware by Microscale Models Pt.1

Finally I got a peek of new Bar Mills kit. The latest Model Railroader has an ad for it. It looks like the kit is called Delancey Street and consists of 6 downtown buildings. The ad shows only the graphic drawing and not the pilot model so there still may be some changes. It is early to say if I am getting it or no. It all depends on the price point.
To be honest, The Dyer's Hardware isn't the kit I would buy. Let's put it this way. I wouldn't buy it unless I could get it really cheap. There is nothing wrong with it. It simply isn't my kind of building. However, I have made a promise to build the kit so I am doing it.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Drug Store by BTS

I have this habit of bidding on a kit with the starting price less than $10 even if don't consider buying it from the manufacturer or through a dealer. I don't place high bids and for the most part I loose but once in a while I win especially during low demand seasons. The BTS Drug Store is one of these kits.
I used the Store as one of the filler kits that I work on when I run out of tasks to do on the main project. I built is almost as is except for the roof. I thought that shingles were more appropriate than tarpaper.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

White metal forklifts

It is probably already old new that EXPO 2017 is coming to Altoona, PA. I am not sure if I am going. I may have to raise some cash for this one by selling some built up kits. I may need less of it since Altoona is within drive-able distance. Driving there would allow me to bring a diorama for the contest. All I need now is time for built ups and the contest diorama. That is what I call a real challenge.
I built the fork lifts few months back. They are very nice looking but very tedious to build. I spent several folds more time on them than I originally anticipated.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Building The Shoppe's on Concord Street by Carolina Craftsman Kits Pt.5

For the most part new technology is exciting but sometimes it can be a real pain. Few months ago I bought new 64-bit computer with Windows 10 on it. It is great improvement over slow 9 year old machine that I had. However, with everything new also come new challenges. I have already solved several of them one or another way. The latest one surfaced few days ago. I use TurboCAD v7 for making window "glass" templates. For that I load scans of the backs of the windows and then load scans in TurboCAD and trace over the pictures. It so happens that TurboCAD v7 on Windows 10 doesn't open the pictures. It adds picture icons but not the pictures themselves. I needed to do the job that night and I didn't want to spend $50-$100 for the new version so I installed the cad on my trusted Windows XP virtual machine. I was able to make the templates the same night but I will check to see if it is worth upgrading my version of TurboCAD.
It has been some time since the last update on the shoppes. It didn't take me so long to actually finish them. I shipped them almost immediately after the last post but couldn't get around updating my blog. Here it is.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Building The Shoppe's on Concord Street by Carolina Craftsman Kits Pt.4

That's it. The very last FSM kit is out. I wish George would keep going, going, and going but there is an end to everything. Happy retirement!
I have finished the shoppes. Now it is time to take them home and build the dioramas. I think I will do more urban setting this time i.e. asphalt and concrete only. No dirt.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Building The Shoppe's on Concord Street by Carolina Craftsman Kits Pt.3

So far it has been very unexciting fall season. FOS Scale Models released their mega kit early. The South River Modelworks owner retired last year. It looks like George Sellios is coming up with his new and possibly last kit this year but he has missed his regular release date. It is yet a little bit early for Bar Mills big kit. Surely it makes easier on the wallet but takes away all the joy of anticipation.
The pictures of the shoppes are slightly outdated. I have progressed a little further and I am getting close to the point when this stops being lunch break project. No worries though. I have another already in the pipeline.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Where do the structures I build go Pt.5

I have returned from my little tour of New England. I barely skimmed the surface but I saw several very interesting buildings. Interesting from the architectural point of view as well as weathering. I only imagine what I could have found had I been able to spend more time there. I'll leave all of it to the kit manufacturers that live in the area though since I always get distracted while trying to scratch build something.
It has been awhile since I had any new pictures of the layout featuring some of the structures I have built. Now I have. Here they are.