
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Building The Waterfront by Bulders in Scale Pt.4

I went to LHS yesterday to see if they had few things for my projects. Ironically earlier in a day someone bought a stack of Jordan vehicles that had been sitting for months. All they had left was Woody and I wanted couple of trucks. On the way out I saw a diorama in a display case that caught my eye. At first I thought it was scratch built but then I saw the sign on the front of the main building with the Dobbs in the name. After digging in my memory for a bit I decided that it was Master Creations Fred C. Dobbs Mining Supply kit. Then I noticed another diorama and it was Railhead Saloon kit. I saw box art of both kits in the past but they never caught my attention. It is quite different seeing them built in person. In general Master Creations kits are on the odd side and the consensus is that they are impossible or very difficult to build but I may consider tackling such project in the future.
As far as The Waterfront kit goes it is still work in progress.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Where do the structures I build go Pt.3

This morning I have few pictures of Gritty McDuff's and some of the Raglan Road structures installed on the layout.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Building Tucker & Cook by South River Modelworks Pt.3

I have missed a number of modeling nights over the past few weeks for various reasons so last night was no brainier. There is no way I would give up modeling for Super Bowl. I am not anti sports at all but I am more home team fan. Once home team is out of the competition this is where it all stops.
I have made decent progress last night. I wish I could have done more but the shingles eat up time very fast. I still have quite a bit of weathering to do and few other things there and there. It would be good time to start making diorama though. I have the footprints of all of the buildings already. I just can't come up with anything interesting yet. Perhaps because my mind has been occupied with other thoughts lately. It seems even  swimming or walking in the woods doesn't clear my head of everyday stuff. Real life sometimes does catch up with you doesn't it.